Many state departments evasive on RTI queries: Survey
The Right to Information (RTI) Act is yet to be implemented effectively
in Uttar Pradesh. A survey conducted by RTI activists has revealed that
public orgainsations like Uttar Pradesh Power Corporation Limited and UP Shia Central Waqf Board
often question the motive of the applicants in seeking information,
which is not in consonance with the provisions of the RTI Act.
Out of 64 government departments covered in the survey, only 13 had
displayed the names of their public information officers (PIOs). At
least four of these departments asked the applicants to send their
applications by post. Further, public does not get access to many
government departments where entry pass is needed. As a result, people
fail to meet PIOs of the departments concerned. Surprisingly, no
employee in the information directorate knew the name of the PIO. Out of
64 departments, only 14 provided the details in the survey.
good job.